how to walk with Jesus physically

In this passion week, we read of how the disciples walk with Jesus in His last ministry on earth. Today we divert to read some excerpts from a missionary in his autobiography about his physical walking with Jesus. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Natural and Supernatural (Continued) Walking Walking was more of an asset than a hindrance. Walking is … Continue reading how to walk with Jesus physically

a testimony from this blogger: transformed by the reality of a personal God

I was led to (more seriously) walk this journey in the Holy Spirit about ten years ago. My life has been totally made over and drastically transformed from a self-centered Christian who preferred the comfort zone, to the person whom God has originally designed and called me to be. I am happy to testify that … Continue reading a testimony from this blogger: transformed by the reality of a personal God

rejoice in the day of Christ !

Rejoice! this is the word for all God's Way followers! Be joined to the Lord Jesus, become one spirit with Him! We have the mind of Christ. Christ has become our wisdom, our righteousness, our justification, sanctification, redemption! Rejoice in the Lord always! Romans 5:11 And not only that, but we also rejoice in God through … Continue reading rejoice in the day of Christ !

A gift to you: the key to healing the sick and suffering

This is again the message on this eleventh hour, the issue of Jesus' redemption, once and for all, for healing of our bodies, deliverance from oppressions and mind and emotional sufferings, and saving of our souls. The first key "No Condemnation" is of utmost importance. The reason why many healing rooms fail is because the 'sick' … Continue reading A gift to you: the key to healing the sick and suffering

Christmas present from heaven: be saved! Be healed!

One Biblical way of celebrating this season is to read the whole Bible in one continuous sitting, from beginning to the end. Jesus said, I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. Reading the whole Bible together as a church (a group of Christians taking turn) would take about 72 hours depending on … Continue reading Christmas present from heaven: be saved! Be healed!

Journey to see God: and He said, ‘Don’t be troubled or afraid!’

Today's message is "Don't be troubled or afraid!" Matthew 10:26 “But don’t be afraid of those who threaten you. For the time is coming when everything that is covered will be revealed, and all that is secret will be made known to all. Matthew 10:25-27 (in Context)  Matthew 10 (Whole Chapter)  Other Translations Matthew 10:28 … Continue reading Journey to see God: and He said, ‘Don’t be troubled or afraid!’

God’s solution: positive voice amidst fear over sickness and disaster

This psalm speaks of four parties. I have divided the verses according to these parties with my notes in brackets. This is for today and all the days when you see the descriptions of this psalm around you. You will not be afraid when you know what happens in the spiritual realm and that our God … Continue reading God’s solution: positive voice amidst fear over sickness and disaster

What an honor it is to serve a KING who heals by His love

Today we read a testimony of healing by Jesus. by Cal Pierce, 8/23/2013 Michelle and I just returned from an Ohio State Healing Rooms Conference. I want to share with you two amazing testimonies that came out of that conference. During the first meeting on Friday evening, I noticed two people in wheelchairs. Before ministry … Continue reading What an honor it is to serve a KING who heals by His love

How To: Flow In The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit

How To: Flow In The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit By Andrew Wommack free audio download of complete teachings here at: I believe that one of the biggest reasons that the body of Christ hasn't made a greater impact on our generation today is because of our failure to operate in the gifts of … Continue reading How To: Flow In The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit

Journey to see God: be strengthened with all might

Today the 5am Bible reading brethren in Christ read Colossians 1 and John 14, referring to Ephesians 1& 3, and 1 John (on praying God’s will).   Here are diagrams that help us to understand and memorize God’s words.   Colossians 1:2-12 Be filled with the knowledge of God’s will   Colossians 1:13-20 The beloved … Continue reading Journey to see God: be strengthened with all might

God’s Way: John 14 “If you love Me…” (Jesus said)(two diagrams)

John 14 is a crucial chapter for all who follow Jesus. Here are two diagrams for the ease of memorizing the crucial verses. SEE HOW YOU MAY KEEP YOUR IN CHRIST POSITION! “If you love Me, you will keep My word” “the Father who dwells in Me does the works” The watchman prays that the … Continue reading God’s Way: John 14 “If you love Me…” (Jesus said)(two diagrams)

Power in the blood of Jesus

more than conquerors Jesus died so that we may have His life. He shed His blood —His life for us. John 12:24 Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain. The Bible warns that no one should should treat Jesus' … Continue reading Power in the blood of Jesus